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How can you help?

We Need Volunteers for Everything We Do

The kinds of things our volunteers do include:


  • Building new garden boxes

  • Tending donation boxes

  • Staffing events (setting up, cleaning up)

  • Teaching gardening and cooking skills

  • Helping to weed the gardens

  • Performing music at events

  • Tend food bank donation garden boxes & filling bird feeders

     (2x/week:  4 hours monthly)


  • Manage composting (1 hour weekly)


  • Water perimeter plants monthly (1 hour)


  • Weed around perimeter plants and trees monthly (2 hours)


  • Water trees weekly (6 hours monthly)


  • Build new garden boxes as needed


  • Assemble new compost bins per diagram (approx.. 4 hours/1x)


  • Tend chickens:  feed, water, clean enclosure, maintain structures

     (2x/week; 6-10 hours monthly)

Got a skill?  
We’re always looking for help in a variety of ways to advance our mission.
NOTE: All volunteer opportunities are posted on this page, and are updated as new opportunities arise.  We will reach out to you directly, if there is additional guidance needed for the project.
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